Thursday, September 17, 2009
Oh, The Faith
Oh, The Faith
Larry Vann, a collegue and good friend, encouraged me to write on this blog. I can only pray what I share will be an encouragement and faith builder to someone in their time of need. We left for India in July of 1998 with our three children ages 7, 4 and 18 months. Our 18 month old son had just been diagnosed with severe asmatha after 3 consecutive bouts with pnemonia. When we arrived in Calcutta, our son just simply could not breath due to the pollution and dust in our city. It was a long six months of regularly walking him through the night just to keep his breathing passages open. We then moved to New Delhi, yet it was listed as the most polluted city in the world in the early months of our arrival. One day the pollution level was so dangerous they deemed the air quality equal to when the Nazi's were bombing London. Needless to say, his situation was no better there. We were at the end of our capacity to stay in India with our son suffering in this manner, yet we felt we were there in obedience to the Master's call. God surely knows what we can handle, so His healing touch solved the looming question of whether we should just pack up and go home. One Sunday night in a church service for minster's in Calcutta, our son was laying on my lap listening to the message with his eyes closed. I thought my little three year old baby had been sleeping, but he was, incredibly, paying attention to what was being said. He opened his eyes and asked me to tell him again what it meant to be saved. I explained a simple Gospel message, and he asked me to pray with him to accept God's love and forgiveness. After that prayer, he told me that he wanted to be healed by God. He wanted to be free from all the medicines and breathing problems. I told Cole that his daddy and I had prayed for years, and maybe it was time that he asked God for himself. He led me into the aisle as others were down at the alter praying. He kneeled down and wept as he ask God with childlike faith to heal him. He then went down to the alter and prayed for many of the pastors present in that service. Many of them thought he just wanted to be held, but they soon realized he was praying for them! Not something we had trained him to do, but it was a move of God in his life. From that day until this, 10 years later, Cole has never taken an inhaler or any other asthma related medicines or had any breathing trouble whatsoever. The Lord Jesus either healed him to relieve him of the "thorn in his flesh", healed him so his parents wouldn't give up on their call or a myriad of other reasons. It doesn't matter why, but we will never cease to praise Him for His intervention which brings Him glory alone!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
BIG Picture
The Big Picture
Big picture vision is my prayer lately in all areas of life. God sees all, is intimately working in all aspects of life. Without him we would not take the next breath, so to ignore Him or leave Him out of anything is so offensive and ungrateful of me. NO more picking and choosing or compartmentalization of my world, please!! Renew my mind so I will know what is best!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
God is God
God is God
I have forgotten how finite the picture is that we paint in our public schools. Since homeschooling Gene' I have see a fresh how the reality that God created all things and all order is designed in Him covers every aspect of our lives. When we take God out of the equation anything no matter how ludicrous can be taught as fact though in deed it is only theory. Without proof one can say anything, but when you have to prove it, most theories are done away with. Gene' has been frustrated for years when evolution was taught as fact. If you look at the world and measure it by the world's standards, we think we are much larger and in control than we are. We can and do compartmentalize everything in our lives, and even God sometimes gets a box or corner. When you come at it from the Biblical view that God is in everything, created everything and will be here when everything we know is gone, it helps us get a better perspective of what truly is reality, not just what we choose to believe. I praise God that this year Gene' and I both have a fresh perspective even on education that God is God over science, history, math, art, dance, and even foreign languages. It is because of Him we can see the order in all He has created. We are privileged to live under the hand of God.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fruit of the Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit
As a senior in high school, my first semester is a wee bit stressful when I actually take the time to slow down and think about what I have to do. From juggling school, school organizations, work, and church, it can get a little overwhelming. And of course, we cannot forget the choosing a college. Ah yes, the single choice that gets me ready to enter the net 4+ years of my life. And when I look at a college, there are several things that have to be looked at and considered: first and foremost, does it have a bevy of majors that are at least in the ballpark of what I want to do? What's the student body count? Student to teacher ratio? Living arrangements? Distance from home? COST? All of these are carefully deliberated and thought about before I even come close to choosing a school.
Of course, there are those out there who are only focused on certain aspects such as: major, campus life, Greek life, football (sad, but true), etc. These people are willing to say no to a few preferences in order to get wat they really want and are good at. For instance, if a school is perfect for their career, but cannot afford to live on campus, then they may have to live at home.
Sadly, I think we have all become accustomed to our lives that are perfectly customized for us in just about every area, that this sense of entitlement bleeds over into our spiritual life. The prime example is in a commonly used teaching of Paul in Galatians.
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of your sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:15-25
This is a passage most who have attended church have heard at one point or another, yet it is one of the passages of scripture that is almost always interpreted incorrectly, mainly due to this idea of picking and choosing. First off, it's not that hard to get: follow the Spirit, not the flesh b/c it's dark, horrible, sinful, despicable, and no good comes from it. It then lists acts of the sinful nature that we should avoid, ok pretty much everyone agrees that that's all bad and don't do it, and if you don't agree then you just need Jesus and I'll pray for you.
BUT, it's the next few verses that are always mis-interpreted. People read the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit and decide, "Ok, if I truly want to know if I am being led by the Spirit, then these characteristics will be evident in my life." But they use these characteristics like spiritual gifts for instance, "Oh well, I'm really good at being gentle and kind....but not so great at self- control." or, "Well I've got self-control and joy down, but I am not the most patient person in the world." And their next statement is usually something along the lines of, "O well, i guess Im just not meant to be a ____ person." (fill in the blank with area of struggle).
This error is brought to you by the letter "s". This is all because they misread one word and add an "s" to it. Let's take a look. The verse DOES NOT say, "The fruitS of the Sirit..." It says, "The fruit of the Spirit..." These are not a bunch of individual fruits of the Spirit, they're not side items, it's a combo deal. They are all CHARACTERISTICS of the fruit of the Spirit. In other words, if you truly are living by the Spirit, ALL will be evident in your life. Not some, not one, not all but one, all. Plain and simple. We do not get to pick and choose here, if we are truly following the Spirit, these will all come naturally as fruit of that decision.
No, you're not going to naturally be good at all of these, but the Holy Spirit will work on you and reveal when it is that you could have done better, and if you are willing, will slowly chip away at you and help you with the traits you have trouble with. Now I'm not saying that you're gonna be perfect at it all the time, I'm sure as heck not, but you will slowly begin to see the opportunities you have to share these traits. If you can't see them yourself, pray God opens some opportunities for you, I promise He will. God Bless
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Accept the Calling

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Atta Boy!

How long I have sought identity in self through the eyes of others. I have found that seeking the praise of others is like trying to stand on quicksand. Not very stable.
Jesus, in His last days on earth, saw the foolishness of man in seeking praise of man. Although He never sought pats on the back, we can learn a valuable lesson from the way he was praised and heralded one day and thrown to the wolves just a few days later. The same people who praised Him, crucified Him. Matthew 21: 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed him shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest!” They were giving a huge pat on the back. And, like quicksand, the very people who gave praises on Sunday, turned on Him just a few days later. Luke 23: 18-21 With one voce they cried out, “Away with this man! Release Barabas to us!” Barabas had been thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city, and for murder. Wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them again. But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Ever expereinced having someone "turn" on you who you thought "had your back?" Of course you have. We all have. And I am sure most of us have turned our backs on the same people we, at some point, gave praises to.
We must seek the glory of God. It is that simple. We must give all glory, all the time, to our Heavenly Father. If we seek praise for self or of self, we are trying to steal praise from Him. Pretty simple, isn’t it?
Father, forgive me when I have sought glory from man. It has been in vain and, most times, not been used to glorify You. I no longer care about what man thinks about me - as long as I am in Your will.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
An Angel Among Us
Donna was on staff at FBC Alabaster until just a couple of months ago. We had one of our daughters friends over last night and I overheard her speak of Donna and how important she must have been at FBC because she had her own office! Have you ever heard that a good leader must be a servant first? Well, that was Donna. A servant. I clearly can recall seeing her pull up at our office the same day she had a treatment. Sick, tired, weathered, stressed, she still unloaded boxes of toys she wanted to donate to Toys for Tots. Selfless. Yesterday, she knew the time was near for her to be called home. She asked a friend of hers to come over and paint her fingernails because, as she put it, “I can’t go meet Jesus with my nails looking like this.” She was prepared.
Donna passed from this life the morning of July 30, 2009.
I am certain her family is aching tonight, the first night they don’t have her at home. Even in their great loss they know this incredible wife, mom, daughter and friend is dancing in the streets of Heaven tonight. Can you imagine her welcoming committee at the gates? Wow.
To the woman of God; the loving wife; the incredible mom; the enduring friend; mentor to thousands; light in a dark world; loyal family advocate: tonight we all miss you, Donna. We will not remember you because of your illness. We will remember you because of how you lived. I would love to have been there to hear the Lord tell you, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We look forward to seeing you again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Making Much of Him

But just when I least expected Him to make much of me.. well, He did.
I have been in the job hunting market for several weeks now. Not really a comfortable place to be, considering everything that is going on in the global economy. But He never promised us worldly comfort, did He? Especially if we are actively in/seeking His will. We have recently experienced strong resistance from our own family regarding us following His lead.
I walked into the front door of a very well-respected Christian School this morning with the idea of planting a seed. I knew enrollment had to be down because of all the layoffs and such, especially in the white-collar sector. I have a Christ-Sister that is working in administration there – so, obviously, that helped with getting me face-to-face with the CEO. This gentleman has supported Matthew 25 Ministries in the past – both financially as well as in prayer. So I knew of him and likewise.
One hour into the interview, he offered me a newly-created position and I begin work in two days. And to think that my intent today was to make much of Him. We can’t out-do God! We can’t out-give God! We can’t out-love God! But we can praise and worship and give thanks, especially when He makes much of us.
So tonight we will celebrate with our entire family and with our dear, dear friends – members of our covenant family. We will celebrate our God and how he makes so much of us.
Will you join me in giving the Lord praise?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Two Words
Nicodemus had a very impressive resume’. He was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin and “Israel’s teacher” (John 3:10). He was impressive. At the top of the religious ladder, so to speak. And two words tell me that he came down from the ladder to walk the streets, searching for answers: at night. He comes at night. When John later tells of Nicodemus, he doesn’t tell of his view from the top of the ladder of religious supremacy. He tells of his character: “ Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night.” (John 19:39).
I focused on Nicodemus as a man. Not so much as a religious leader and a person who was held in such high regard from a knowledge perspective. This wealthy religious leader, Israel’s teacher, came down from the ivory tower to search for Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem – at night. I imagine him slipping around in the shadows, trying so hard to go un-noticed. He couldn’t afford for citizens to see him; to know he was searching for answers. Gossip could hurt him. He had much to lose… Israel’s teacher, his position on the ruling council of the Sanhedrin, his peers. But he still decided to go.
Nicodemus heard of the teaching of this Jesus. He heard of the fit Jesus pitched when He saw the temple had been turned into a market. He heard of Jesus’ claims - “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it in three days.” Who could explain such claims, such words? Israel asked its teacher. But he had no answers. So he came at night. But at least he came.
Imagine the meeting. By all accounts, when the Pharisees and Jesus had encounters, it usually wasn’t over coffee at the local Starbucks. Those encounters usually involved Jesus setting their butts straight. Not comfortable for the Pharisees, I imagine. I know how it feels to be called out by Him.
The man who visited Jesus at night was told the most revealing eternal truth ever known to humankind. Can you imagine?
Jesus was straightforward. He gave Nicodemus answers. He gives us answers. Jesus was willing to meet Nicodemus at night – and I am certain he was very tired from sharing the Gospel all day with hundreds, if not thousands. But that is the way He is. He makes time for us. Day or night. Religious leader or prostitute. Just as we are, exactly where we are. Even at night.
I never want to be ashamed to seek Him during the daylight. I want my actions to be a beacon of light. Lord knows I have been like Nocodemus. I sought Him at night, in the shadows. Afraid of what it would cost me if others knew I needed to know more. To be more. What about you? Are you willing to seek Him, regardless of time of day and who knows? I want to look into the eyes of Jesus. And I want Him to see into mine.

Monday, July 13, 2009
You Have A Visitor
Luke 10: 38-42 38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
For the past month or so, I have been able to sit. All my adult life has been spent, for the most part, getting after it and pouring all I am into work. Mostly career, but also pouring myself into ‘good work.’ I must admit it has been very fulfilling to be able to look at things from this perspective – from the feet of our Savior. Why in the world hadn’t I been able to sit here before? It has been my choice all along.
Instead of spending all my time in the business of preparing for the visit, now I have chosen to recognize the King has long been here. I recognize the choice to be in full devotion to Christ Jesus. I am choosing to spend time with Him, not just for Him.
Lord, forgive me for being so distracted in preparations and drawn so little by your presence.
He wants us to come from the kitchen and spend time in adoration at His feet. Will you come?

Friday, July 3, 2009
Hidden Lesson
As I began to stir from the bed, the idea came to me to offer her a tribute through this blog. To share with anyone whose eyes would see this how wonderful a person she is. I wanted to tell anyone who would listen how unique she is. How talented she is. She is the face of our family. When someone hears “The Vann’s”, they see her. I am proud for this woman to represent my family name. I love her so much.
When I began reading scripture, seeking a proper way to honor her this morning, I came across the story of Jesus, May and Martha. Just as Ashley would have it, my intent of this post was changed. I intended to honor her with words. Instead, my focus shifted to honoring our Father. It is quite simple, much like Ashley. Time spent honoring God this morning was actually honoring all that I love. I honored my precious wife by honoring, praising and spending time with God.
Ashley, as you lay sleeping at this moment, know that I had planned to honor you with words this morning. But, as God has done more often than not lately, He has molded something different from me. But, then again, honoring Him means more to you than anything else I can do.
That is just how you are.
Thank you for showing me that.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Take this hallway..
There have been many times when I felt as thought I was aimlessly wandering through life. I walked by a Man who told me that if I wanted to reach my destination that I needed to go down a path less traveled. He told me the route I was taking was very wide and seemingly easy to travel. But He also told me that the wide and easy path would lead to destruction. I believe we all go down the wrong path from time to time. I am so thankful today that God remains faithful to us. He is still standing at the crossroads, ready to lead us down the path that leads to eternal life.
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it.”
Life is like a road. Most of us will travel a road to get somewhere today. There are many streets that you could have taken, but you wouldn't have ended up where your destination is. You had to follow a certain path to get where you are going. If you'd taken a different road, you probably would have ended up somewhere else.
When we have to make choices in life, we have to base our decisions on more than what is easiest. Often what seems easiest or most appealing is the worst choice we can make. Satan wants us to sin, so he makes sin look good. But we have to know where our decisions will lead us. We have to look at the consequences of our decisions.
We can't take the easy road to get to heaven, we have to follow the narrow road. Some people think they can do both. Is it possible to drive on two different roads at the same time? Is it possible to drive in two different directions? There are times we think we can do wrong and be right. We think they can serve God, but do everything we want to do. Jesus said this is impossible. We have to decide to follow God, and put His will first.
Jesus is standing at the gate saying, “Trust me.” What road will you take today?

Thursday, June 25, 2009
What would you do?
We received word this morning that the roof on the building at the carepoint we hold dear has been blown off by a wind storm. While we are very proud to have the building, it was in pretty rough shape. There were holes in the tin roof, holes in the walls and the mortar in between the blocks was beginning to erode away. I imagine it didn't take much to destroy what was there.

This building is critical to the ongoing efforts of Kriek and Jumbo Gerber and Children's HopeChest to develop relationships and disciple the people of that area. Food and supplies are kept in a small room in the building. When children come to the carepoint that are sick, the Go-Go's let them sleep on a mat in the building. When the weather is not conducive for being outside, they all pack into the building to seek shelter. Without a building to store food and the pots to cook in, there is no food for the children. We simply cannot and will not allow that to happen.
We need your help. If you feel led to help with this project, please contact me @ right away. We are on a mission to gather funds by this weekend and begin repair immediately. In the meantime, please prayerfully consider what it is you can do and keep praying for the people of this area. Will you help?
It is so easy to see the good in this happening. Matthew 7:24-27 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, and the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.
Our prayer is that in every deed, word, thought - in everything that is done, it will be to Glorify our ord and expand His Kingdom. Blessings -
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Team is HOME!
Thank you, Team, for giving of yourselves this way!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Team in Nelspruit

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday Update
Monday, June 15, 2009
No News is Good News
Sunday, June 14, 2009
As For Me and My House...
For the team today, please offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the people of Swaziland, for the AIM staff, for Childrne's HopeChest, for the sponsors of the children and for the partners in ministry. Our prayer is that God be magnified in all they do. Blessings -
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Word up!
Friday, June 12, 2009
In a flash...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
No word today...
1 John 5: 15-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him.
The key is for us to seek His will. And if we ask for His will to be done and for us to clearly see His will, then our prayers will be answered. It's all about alignment!
Father, I come to You with a soft heart tonight. We miss the members of this team so much. While it would have been really good to hear form them, I know that You have annointed each of them and they are in Your will. Please continue to bless them and those they encounter. I know Your light is shining through them. Thank You for that. Thank You for using them to teach us. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to lift each one of them up to You. Thank You for giving us patience and a sense of calm while we eagerly wait to hear from them. Whatever Your will is for this team, I gladly ask You to reveal it to us. It is not about us. It's about You. We want to glorify You in all we do and all we say. Please use the team of people who are here supporting and praying for the team. Use us to glorify You with our words and actions when we tell other people about this campaign. I ask for these and all other blessings in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Team is resting....
Team landed safely in Johannesburg!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Boarding Call at 8:35 pm, cst.
Thank all of you for your prayers, support, supplies, encouragement and wisdom you all have shared in recent months with our team! We are all so blessed because of you! We hope to have an update tomorrow night.
God is so very good! Please feel free to join us in giving thanks and praise to our Lord!
Monday, June 1, 2009
THE House that Love Built
We want to thank those who selflessly gave money toward this project. In particular, the McAdams family. We want to thank Kriek and Jumbo Gerber, Dennis and Zwakele Brock, Children’s HopeChest, Adventures in Missions, the “D” Team and the people of Thulwane for looking out for these four little Angels.

Friday, April 24, 2009
The Visit To The Homestead

A few of us were able to go to the homestead of these four little girls. Picture the reality that four precious little girls, the oldest of which is five years old, living at this homestead alone. All alone. Caring for themselves – the most vulnerable of the weak. As we were talking to a neighbor, the girls came from their stick and mud hut to sit with us. They treated us like we were somebody special. Love went back and forth into the hut. She wanted to show off her “dress clothes.” She only had to change shirts once. That’s all she had. But she was proud of that. Looking back at pictures, the girls wore different clothes a couple of days – but they simply exchanged clothes with one another to have something different to wear. Four little girls sharing clothes. How proud these little girls are of their shared skirt!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The House that Love Built - Part 2
This little girl hadn’t always been in a wheelchair. Before her traumatic experience, she walked around and played like most children her age. During her recovery period, her Gogo would place her in a wheelbarrow to get her to the carepoint so she could eat. Kriek and Jumbo Gerber, Missionaries in Swaziland, purchased the wheelchair for Love and this is where her life began to change… for the better.
We had absolutely no idea we would actually get to meet the little girl in the wheelchair. But we did. She is such an Angel!
The next blog will detail our first encounter with Love and what we learned from this little girl and the other children at Thulwane.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The House That Love Built
Friday, February 27, 2009
My name is Larry and I am a Pole Vaulter..

I typically don’t have very interesting status updates and on this particular day, I shared that I had a dream about being a champion pole-vaulter. That was a strange dream. But a friend of mine, Amber Wheeler, had an answer to this dream… I asked her if I could share her thoughts with you and she agreed.
“Hi, Larry. I believe this to be from the Lord for you, but as I usually tell people, pray about it and see if it comes into alignment with what others are thinking. The Lord woke me this morning saying, “remember what Larry wrote on his status about pole vaulting?” “Tell him that he can fulfill his goals, but I need him to fulfill My goals. And My goals are higher and beyond his reach. He needs to set the bar higher so that he can only accomplish the goals with my help. I AM the Champion who will get him over that bar!”
Have a great day!”
Wow. Thank you, Amber! You hit the mark with your interpretation and I appreciate your courage to share. I think we all can take a dose of courage from her example to be bold and share with others!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Miracle on First Street North
All roads with my health led to either one of two things: a heart-attack or a condition called aortic dissection. Neither of these prospects was good, wouldn’t you agree? I was put on oxygen, given nitroglycerin on two occasions, had every monitor known to man hooked to me, iv’s in every possible place. Once I was told what they thought was happening to me, I became hysterical and inconsolable. I repeatedly begged for my family – I suppose I felt the need to tell them some things. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine being Ashley when the physician came to her in the ICU waiting area and told her what he thought the possibilities were? He said to her, “we are also checking on an aortic dissection and those are usually fatal.” Then he walked away. Thank God there were dear friends from our small-group there with her. I can’t fathom that news.
Rewind with me for a minute. There have been so many people praying for me. Praying with me, praying over me, praying for me when I didn’t even know. People in Africa, Germany, India, the Dominican Republic, Asia and the U.S. People I know and people I am becoming friends with. They had been praying for my recovery from the kidney stone issues and for our family to be protected. Saturday night, the prayers changed. They were praying for my heart. They were praying that if it not be His will to call me home then to heal me. To mend me.
As I was being wheeled to the CT scan area, my wife was informed that a surgery team was in place. This was getting pretty serious. Ashley had even started to think about what she would do if something really bad happened. I cannot imagine.
If we don’t believe in miracles and His ability to heal, why do we pray for that? If we don’t have the faith that He can heal, then we will be proven right. God loves for His children to pray. God loves to heal. God loves to love.
Have you ever heard anyone say, “It’s God’s will,” or “just leave it up to God” when faced with a serious illness or some type of tragedy? We cannot fall into that trap. God wants us to pray to Him for help. In Luke 18:1 Jesus told His disciples that they “should always pray and not give up” and then Jesus asked “…will not God bring about justice for His chosen one’s, who cry out to Him day and night?” We should pray to God from deep within our hearts and with all that we are – we should pray for healing. Expect it. Don’t give up. God wants us to ask Him for help. He loves us!

Just this morning I received an email form a dear friend that lists 40 verses of scripture related to healing. After further research, it is believed that over 20% of the Gospel is about the healing ministry of Jesus. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and to heal. He sent them out to carry-out His work. Our church, , began House of Prayer during this past fall. A church that does not teach healing is like an elementary school that doesn’t teach math. Wouldn’t Jesus want His followers to pray for healing today?
At some point during the chaos, God healed me! Do you comprehend what I just said to you? I was miraculously healed by the King of Kings this past Saturday night! When I tell you that we will give Him the glory and credit for this, I am not joking! Thank God for those who earnestly prayed for my healing. Thank God for those who believed I would be healed. Thank God for faith the size of a mustard seed. Thank God. In the name of Jesus, I claim my body is healed and I believe with all of my healed heart God was pleased with those who diligently prayed.
By midnight this past Saturday night, I was settled in to ICU room 16 at Shelby Baptist Hospital in Alabaster, Alabama. No sign of a challenge with my heart. No ‘reasonable’ explanation as to what was going on the past 10 hours. I am sure there will be people who will doubt all of this. There are too many times that we have discounted miracles as, ‘unexplained’ events. But today, I know better. I know I was healed!
God receives glory in healing and good health, not in sickness and death. For God is Jehova - Rapha, the God of healing and of life, not a god of sickness and death.
Today, as I sit at home with no problems with the kidney stone and no issues with my heart, I am so thankful to those friends, family and even strangers who prayed for my healing and who prayed for my family. God is good. He is so good.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We All Have a Platform

“We had three breaks. For those three breaks I went to the Philippines, Croatia and Thailand on three mission trips,” Tebow said. “All three of those places I got to do a lot of very neat things, preaching in prisons, in schools, in hospitals, in marketplaces.”
God has blessed Tim Tebow with the physical skills and mental toughness that will make him a football legend. But this 20 year old gets it. He is trying to take advantage of the platform God has blessed him with.